Expert’s Night – 2/27/15

Expert’s night

Does your child love Civil War battles? Knitting? Tap dancing? Mexican culture and food? Bugs? George Washington? Origami? Lego Star Wars?

Whatever their interest, Expert’s Night is your child’s opportunity to research and teach others about their passion or interest. Each child or family will have a table set up to display materials about their subject of expertise. Suggestions for the table include a tri-fold board with information, hands-on samples – things to taste, touch, smell or do. Children can work alone, with a friend or sibling or as a family project. We want to encourage our children to be diligent workers and excellent communicators. Expert’s Night gives them an opportunity to work hard on a project and communicate with others about their interest.

Invite your friends and family to learn from our students on February 27, 2015 6:30p.m. Dayton Christian Cafeteria.

To sign up and request tables, please follow this link:

2 responses

  1. Just wanted to let you know Emma is thinking about doing experts night but we have a few things to work out because Abbey is in the middle school play. Is there a registration deadline?

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    1. There isn’t a deadline, but would like to know if she needs a table by Feb 26 – just for planning purposes.
      Sorry it falls the same night as a tome Sawyer performance 😦 Hope she can still do it, though!

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